Trains ‘n boats…

Franklin Country is having their fantastically popular Thomas the Tank Engine Weekend this weekend!!

IMG_0271If trains are your thing, this will be the place to be.

The Glenbrook Vintage Railway ‘s annual Thomas day always proves to be a great winner and an added bonus will be the new Glenbrook Morel Railway, which is situated on Morley Road…..a train stop away from the station at Glenbrook.

Bob and his elves have been working intently to make sure that they can get the Model Railway operating to coincide with the Thomas weekend, so if you are in the area……keep an eye out to discover the magic of the miniature train, boats and more!

GMR 6….but wait!!….there IS more.

The Port Waikato Whitebait fritter competition is also on!. Head out to our west coast beach for a taste test of some of the locals recipes for the perfect fritter!!  mmmmmmm….mmm

I can personally vouch for a fantastic taste tingle!

P1000743so why wait??

Head to our patch of country – where Auckland meets the Waikato – and check out what’s on!!